Managers Information, Links and Forms


  • Expect no special rights or privileges because you are a volunteer. However, expect to be appreciated when you do a good job. Be prepared to put in long, hard hours with little or no recognition except the self-satisfaction of knowing you have accepted a challenge many turned away.

  • When you have accepted a challenge or responsibility, be sure to follow through with a good job.

  • Accept that because you are a representative for the F.C.M.H.A., your actions, either positive or negative, reflect on all of the other volunteers in the organization.

  • Understand that even though you may not agree with all F.C.M.H.A. policies or practices as a representative for the organization, you have an obligation to publicly support them and at all times abide by them. If you do not agree with them, you can work within the system to have them changed. Work patiently for improvement.

  • Base your decisions and actions on what is best for the majority of hockey players while respecting the rights of the individual.

  • Be prepared to listen and respond to any concerns brought to you.

  • Be prepared to listen to ideas from other people event thought they may be different from your own.

  • Judge ideas on their own merit, and the benefit they can bring the hockey player or Association and do not fall back on 'But they have always done it this way.' Be slow to anger and hard to discourage.

  • Anticipate peoples' shortcomings and make allowances for them.

You are a Manager!

Thank you for stepping up to volunteer managing one of our Bulldog hockey teams.

The most important thing the Team Manager can do is delegate - it is almost impossible for a Team Manager to do everything without help.  It could also be helpful if there is another parent willing to help with the manager responsibilities.

  • Create contact information.
  • Obtain a copy of the Hockey Alberta Roster from the registrar. This must accompany the team to all games as well as forwarded to the SPHL Level Director an up to date copy, even after any changes are made.
  • Familiarize yourself with FCMHA's Bylaws and All Peace By-laws
  • Organize jersey's and numbers.
  • Ensure parent volunteers for safety(Safety Course), fundraising, score keeping and refereeing are in place.
  • Have every parent complete an up to date Medical Form.  This must accompany the team to every game.  A great spot to have it is in the first aid bag in a page protector so it can be at the games even if you are not able to be. Download here: Medical Form.
  • Ensure all parents have completed their Respect in Sport certification.  This only needs to be completed once per family.
  • Team fundraising can be done a number of different ways.  Tournaments are popular but can be a big undertaking.  Ask your parents for help collecting prizes for the prize table, big ticket items, even recruiting teams to attend.  A sanction number can be obtained from our registrar and raffle licensing can be obtained through Cheryl Moen- Fundraising Executive. Please reach out to her for licensing.


All Peace Hockey League Governor

Each level of hockey has a contact to the league. Managers must communicate all home game sheets to the Governor via email/text and enter the score to our website via a log in and password. Any game changes, scheduling or conflicts of any kind may only be submitted to your level's Governor.  The Managers tab on the NAI Website has a lot of useful information as well.


The decision to participate in provincials should be a team decision and needs to be decided and submitted in writing to the Registrar before December 1, of the current hockey season.  Minor Provincial Intent Form.pdf

Provincial Rules and Regulations can be found HERE under section 8 & 9.


Once playoffs come around, every level will be given a play down on how the playoff structure will work. For every series you play, the game days and times will be arranged between the managers using a Playoff Game Form. Two reasonable ice times must be offered and then the opposing team can decide which one they would like to go with.


By clicking on the Tournaments link, you will have access to all tournaments sanctioned by Hockey Alberta. Applied filters will allow easy access to the different zones of Hockey Alberta.

Out of Zone Play and Exhibition Games -

Attending out of zone games and tournaments require a travel permit that must accompany the team.  This can be obtained from the Registrar.  

Travel Permit information needed:

  • Contact Person
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Division
  • Team
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Travel To
  • Exhibition Game or Tournament
  • Tournament Sanction Number

Exhibition Game Permit:

  • Contact Person
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Host Team
  • Visiting Team
  • Division
  • Category (A,B,C, etc)
  • Date
  • Location/Facility
  • Tournament Sanction Number (if applicable)
  • Address
  • City/Town

 If you feel there is other information to add or have ideas that can better this page please contact the Administrator.

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